Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Im back!!!

So I haven't posted anything for a while! Since my last post and first post actually you could say that i haven't completely failed! Just haven't done as well as i would have hoped! I also have done a terrible job at keeping this blog updated so i plan on changing that!! As of a week or so ago i weighed 77kg... But the last week has been terrible for me and im just not motivated at the moment! Im not enjoy life as much as i should be and i think this is effecting my motivation!!! Im not sure what i currently weigh at the moment but i will be weighing in as of thursday so will update you more then! Thursdays will now be my new weigh in... Some motivation at the moment is im going to europe in 7 weeks! Oh how i cannot wait!! I just need to start using that as some motivation to get those hands out the cookie jar and pounding the pavement haha If im truly honest i dont really struggle with the exercise part i have that part pretty much covered! Its the eating part im struggling with at the moment... Come 3 o'clock i just want to eat anything and everything and i seem to give into that feeling!!! Well as of right now that will be changing! No more giving into that desire! I want to achieve the greater picture here! I currently have a PT that i train with every wednesday... Having him has helped me a lot and motivated me also! I am so much fitter now! I can now run 6km in under 30mins and run 10km in 51mins... Thats even with stopping to walk for a bit. I am the fittest now then i have ever been!!! Just really really really need to control me eating! I shall be posted some before pics and my weight this coming thursday and then shall update you each week with my weight loss and in 7 weeks time just before i head to wurope i shall take some more pics to see the progress! Lets hope it is noticeable!! Im hoping for a dress size... Fingers crossed!!! I shall also be posted my daily food intake and workout sessions and any tips of advice i come across... Once thing i have learned already is that the key is all about routine and your mind set! If you have both of those things you really cant go wrong!

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